Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Power Rangers Battle Beasts Season 1, Episode 14: What to Expect When Your Expecting

Hey guys, what's crackin? Summer's almost here and I got a new episode, fresh and ready to be viewed. This is Power Rangers Battle Beasts Season 1, Episode 14: What to Expect When Your Expecting. Enjoy!


We start the episode off with a scene on the Zenix Arrowship. Neuron walks down a hall that leads to the bridge, where he meets with Zarkron and the other generals.

Zarkron: Neuron. Glad you could join us.
Neuron: I can say the same. What is it that you need to discuss?
Zarkron: Through these past weeks, we have experienced failures at the hands of the Rangers. For that, a rule needs to be played. The five strikes shall come into motion.
Bloxor: Five strikes?
Zarkron: The both of you shall get 5 turns. If a monster of yours has been defeated, that turn will be done. If you have used 5 monsters and if they have failed, then your strikes are up, and you will be annihilated.

The two look at Zarkron with worry, knowing of their punishments. Neuron then says this...

Neuron: Then I guess I shall go first.

He walks around the room as he explains his latest plan...

Neuron: From my recent studies, humans can reproduce by mating. This would, thus, produce an inexperienced organism laying dormant inside of a female organism.
Zarkron: OK, we're are you getting at?
Neuron: What I am saying is is that we should target these so called "pregnant woman". The more we annihilate, the less humans that can be born.
Bloxor: And how are you going to execute this plan?
Neuron: Well, I shall present him to you.

The monster of the week walks through the door, but trips, showing that he's pretty dumb.

Neuron: This is Vacsacker.....and he's pretty dumb.
Zarkron: How can you determine this buffoon will succeed?
Vacsacker: Hey, I'm not a buffoon, I'm a balloon. *laughes* That rhymes.
Neuron: He was the only candidate that was available. But I'm pretty sure he is aware of the plan.
Vacsacker: Don't worry. I'm gonna wipe out some pregnant dames before ya know it.

Cut to Earth, we see Amy walking out the mall for the fourth time in this series and arrives at the nearest bus stop. While waiting for the bus, she looks at a bakery across the street, and sees a little girl and her mother walk outside with with a cakebox. That reminds her of when she helped her mother with a bakery back in Animalia. She smiles after thinking of said flashback. The bus arrives and she boards it. Minutes later, she arrives at the apartment complex and arrives at EZ's apartment. She opens the door and sees that the other Rangers and EZ are standing at the door, with stern faces and their arms crossed.

Amy: Oh, hey guys. How long were you standing there?
Trevor: Where were you?
Amy: The mall. Why?
Sadie: Do you think you have some sort of an....addiction?
Amy: Why would you think that?
Aaron: Amy, you told me that you wanted to explore this world, and shopping most of the time doesn't give that desire any extent. And besides where are you getting this much money anyways?
Amy: Oh, I've been getting it from this site EZ has. I think it's called "Pat-reon"?
EZ: My Patreon?! Damn it! I was saving up for a Revolcane!

EZ places his hands on her shoulders.

EZ: Sweetheart, we're here to help you. So....let go of the bags, and hear what we have to say.

Leon and Sadie grab the bags from Amy's hand as EZ then sits her down onto the couch.

Sadie: Amy, we understand you love shopping, but this is going way too far.
Leon: And for once I agree.
Trevor: We know you want to explore the world, so maybe you should start doing activities other than shopping.
Amy: *sighs* I guess your right.
Leon: Which is why we signed you up for volunteering.

Leon hands her a flyer.

Amy: Oh. For what, exactly?
Sadie: To help pregnant women.
Amy: WHAT?!

Shes says with a face of shock. Cut to our opening.

We cut to the hospital where we see Amy walk in through the sliding doors. She is amazed by them on how they are closing by themselves. Once they close, she walks through them again, like someone would do in a typical fish out of the water-esque story.

Nurse: Excuse me, Ma'am?
Amy: Huh?
Nurse: Why are you hear?
Amy: Oh, um, I'm volunteering to be an aide for a pregnant woman named Veronica.
Nurse: Oh, she's right over there.
Amy: Oh, Thanks.

When she walks away, the nurse looks at her strangely, wondering why she was playing with the doors. Amy walks up to waiting room, where they is about a dozen pregnant woman waiting for their aides. She walks to an African-Americana woman the nurse pointed to.

Amy: Excuse me, are you Veronica?
Veronica: Oh, yes. Nice to meet you....
Amy: My name is Amy.
Veronica: Well, while we're waiting for registration, how about we sit and talk?
Amy: Sure.

She sits down and asks a question.

Amy: So....how did this happen? I mean, did you---
Veronica: Uh, sweetie, you'll find out when you get older. *laughes*
Amy: So, how come you don't have anyone else helping you?
Veronica: Well, that's because most of my family members are away most of the time. And my husband is in the Army.
Amy: What's the army?
Veronica: *laughes* You're funny.

Outside of the hospital, Vacsacker and about three Zigglers arrive at the front of the hospital. Vacsacker tries walking through the doors, but due to him being big, he can't fit through the doors.

Vacsacker: Oh, dang it, I can't fit through the doors. You two, come on and help a guy out.

The Zigglers try pushing Vacsacker through the doors, but to no avail. After a couple of pushes, the two then kick him through the door, where he trips into the lobby. The Zigglers get back up and help him.

Vacsacker: Hey, help me up!

Once he stands up...

Vacsacker: Hi, there.

The patients start screaming in fear and Amy gets up and stands in front of Veronica, protecting her.

Amy: Get back!
Vacsacker: Oh, you. Get her!

The Zigglers run towards Amy and an unmorphed fight presumes. She seems to get the best of them, but when she knocks one, that specific Ziggler gets back and is about to attack another pregnant woman, but Amy grabs that and knocks him out, thus causing him to disintegrate.

Vacsacker: Well, seems like you knocked out my friends. Let's see how I do.

He runs towards Amy and she punches him in the head. After a couple of seconds.....

Vacsacker: OWW! You hit me in the head!
Amy: Well, that was the intention.
Vacsacker: But why did you have to do it so hard?
Amy: You're really dumb, are you?
Vacsacker: Hey, I consider myself to be very smart think you very much.
Amy: OK, I'm done.

She kicks him, which sends him flying through the hospital entrance and landing on himself hard. Amy follows outside the entrance.

Vacsacker: Ow, that hurt.
Amy: Well, of course it hurt, you fell 23 feet in distance.
Vacsacker: Oh, you think your smart, eh? Well, now your gonna get it!

He runs towards her, until Aaron and Sadie jump from behind and kick his back.

Sadie: Hey, Amy, you alright?
Amy: Yeah, I'm fine. I didn't even need saving, this guy doesn't even pose a threat.
Trevor: Tell us something we don't know. We've been following him for a half-hour. Watch. Hey, what's 2 + 2?

He says to Vacsacker. After a moment of thinking....

Vacsacker: Uh....84?

After a couple of seconds ....

Trevor: We don't even need to morph to take this guy out.

But then Vacsacker then hears a call from space.

Vacsacker: Huh, what's that? Okey-dokey. Well, you guys are in luck. My master's calling me. CIAO!!

He teleports into space.

Leon: Well that was underwhelming.
Amy: I'll meet back with you guys later.

They walk away. Cut to the Zenix Arrowship, in a certain room....

Neuron: You fool! Why didn't you finish them off?
Vacsacker: Well, I heard a voice telling me to come back. And besides, they're were too many anyways.
Neuron: Who called you back?
Naria: It was I who called him back.
Neuron: Why did you do such thing?
Naria: Given how dumb he is, I realized he needed help. I can do just that.

Shes says as he flirts with him.

Vacsacker: *laughes* OK.
Neuron: Please do, Naria, because if he fails, that's one strike down.

Back on Earth, we see Amy helping Veronica out of her car due to her big belly as they arrive at her house.

Amy: So, this is your house?
Veronica: Yeah. Looks graceful, doesn't it?
Amy: Sure does.

She helps her to the house and they walk in, with Amy being amazed by the interior. She helps her to her couch.

Amy: This place looks beautiful.
Veronica: Do you mind if you can help do some chores?
Amy: That's fine with me.
Veronica: Good. Let's get started.

So, Amy helps around the house by numerous chores, like vacuuming, doing laundry, etc. This montage is sped up, with the Benny Hill music playing.

30 Minutes Later....

Amy is stressed out from all this work and lays down onto the couch.

Veronica: Well, looks like your all gassed out, honey. Want some tea?
Amy: Sure.

She walks into the kitchen and the two sit at the dining table, while drinking some tea. She takes a sip and identifies what is in it.

Amy: Milk...Cardamom seeds....and cinnamon.
Veronica: How did you know?
Amy: I have a....special gift. So, how long did you find out you were pregnant.
Veronica: Two months ago. My husband was still in the army at the time. I talk to him everyday using Skype. I wish he were here.
Amy: Seems like the both of you have big responsibilities to take.
Veronica: True. I worked in a salon before I got pregnant. Had to leave when I started showing.
Amy: Why is that?y
Veronica: Honey, when we take big responsibilities in life, there are other things that we love that we need to give up. But who knows, when my husband comes back, or when this baby gets old enough, I can resume my job.

Amy smiles and looks down, thinking about what the other Rangers said, realizing what they were truly trying to get across.

Amy: Hey, how about tomorrow we can walk in the park?
Veronica: That sounds nice.

The next day.....

We see Amy and Veronica walking in the park.

Amy: This sure is a beautiful day.
Veronica: You said it. I can't wait for my baby to experience such a graceful world.

Amy smiles, but then they are suddenly attacked. Vacsacker appears from his invisibility technique and arrives with a squad of Zigglers.

Vacsacker: Hello again, little girl. Miss me?
Amy: Veronica, get back!

But then....

Veronica: Uh-oh. Not now!
Amy: What's wrong?
Veronica: My water just broke!
Amy: Oh my gosh!!

She is shocked.

Vacsacker: Uh, what does that mean?
Amy: It mean she's having a baby, you moron!
Vacsacker: Oh, congratulations! I mean, well, now I can kill two birds with one stone.

He walks slowly towards them, until a thin string suddenly trips him. The other four Rangers appear out of the bushes.

Leon: We're back.
Amy: How did you find him again?
Sadie: I could hear his steps.
Amy: Um, guys. Do you realize that Veronica's going into labor?
Leon: Yeah, that's good to hea---WHAT?!
Trevor: Amy, get her to the hospital quick! Well take care of the situation.
Veronica: And how are you going to that?
Amy: Come on. We'll take a cab.

Amy grabs Veronica from the bench they were sitting on and they run. The other four then engage the Zigglers in another unmorphed fight scene. After wiping out the Zigglers, the only one left is Vacsacker.

Vacsacker: *laughes* Well that was well choreographed.
Aaron: You're the only one left? Guys, we can easily pinch this guy and he'd be done.

The others laugh, but this gets Vacsacker angry.

Vacsacker: Alright, I had enough of you Rangers picking on me. That's the final straw!!

He uses his arms cannons and shoots at them, sending them flying back.

Leon: OK. Maybe there's more to this guy than we thought.
Aaron: It's Morphin Time!

They grab out their Cube Morphers and morph.

All Four: Spirit Unleash!

They morph and head towards him with their Beast Blasters in Saber Mode. Meanwhile, Amy and Veronica arrive at the hospital, hurrying through the doors.

Amy: Can someone help? This woman is about to go into labor!

The nurses help Veronica and get her onto a bed, rushing her to the back. Amy tries to follow, but one nurse stops her.

Nurse: Ma'am, you can't go back there.
Veronica: It's okay, Amy. I'll be fine.

They rush her to the delivery room. Amy walks back through the entrance, but accidentally bumps into a guy, who seems depressed.

Amy: Oh, sorry about that.
Guy: It's fine.

Before she walks out, she looks at him strangely. She runs out the door and back to the park. She gets out her Cube Morpher and morphs.

Amy: It's Morphin Time! Spirit Unleashed!

She morphs into the White Tiger Ranger and once back at the park, she sees that Vacsacker is getting the best of the Rangers.

Amy: Beast Blaster! Saber Mode!

She jumps into the sky and tries to strike him, but he disappears.

Amy: Where'd he go?

She is then hit by laser blasts and flies back. The Rangers come to her aid.

Sadie: Hey, glad you could join us. Now he can turn invisible.

Vacsacker then fires at Leon, sending him flying back as well.

Leon: *groans* How can we fight something we can't see?
Sadie: Wait a sec, I have an idea.

She uses her enhanced hearing and can hear his steps. She then fires at his position, with him reacting by showing himself. He quickly disappears again.

Aaron: He's gone again.

But then, Trevor starts picking up his smell.

Trevor: Wait. I recognize his smell. Over there.

He fires at him and he is visible again.

Vacsacker: Ow. So much for that enhancement Naria gave me.
Amy: I can take him.

She grabs out her Beast Blaster in Saber Mode and charges towards him. She slashes at him, rapidly.

Amy: How dare you attack an pregnant woman while she's in labor?

She dashes behind him and kicks him from the back, sending him flying. The others use their Beast Blasters as well in Saber Mode and strike him. They round up and prepare.

Amy: Now you're finished!

They jump up into the sky and presume to do the Battle Beast Final Strike.

Vacsacker: Well, so much for Neuron's plan.

He is then destroyed. They demorph and Amy races to the hospital.

Amy: Come on.

The others follow her. Back on the Zenix Arrowship....

Naria: Neuron, Vacsacker has failed.
Neuron: He doesn't deserve a second chance.
Zarkron: You know what that means. Strike One for you.

Bloxor laughes at him as Neuron looks down in shame. Meanwhile, the Rangers race to the hospital.

Amy: Excuse me, have you heard of a patient named Veronica Hudson?
Nurse: Yes. Her room is 402.
Amy: OK, thanks.

They walk to the back and go upstairs. They enter the room and see that Veronica is on the bed with her newborn baby.

Amy: Hey, Veronica.
Veronica: shhh. She's sleeping.
Amy: *whispering and gasps* It's a girl?
Veronica: *whispering* Yes. Come over and see.

They walk near her and see the baby's face, admiring it's cuteness.

Amy: Can I hold her?
Veronica: Yeah, sure.

She gives her the baby.

Sadie: She's so adorable.
Aaron: I can tell she'll be a wonderful person when she grows up.
Amy: You know guys, thanks for making me take this job.
Trevor: Why are you thanking us?
Amy: Because it made me realize that being a Power Ranger is a big responsibility, so I'm gonna give up shopping for a while.
Sadie: Good that we we're able to teach you something--
Leon: Because we burned the clothes you bought.
Amy: OK.......What?

End of episode.

NEXT TIME ON POWER RANGERS BATTLE BEASTS: A runaway scientist from the Vanity Alliance escapes, but ends up having his body switched with a LEGO mini-figure. He ends up meeting the Rangers and they have to find a way to get him back to his body.

So, that's the end of the episode. What did you think of the episode? Reply in the comments below. Next time, I'll be going over the final forms for the secondary Kamen Riders. Later.

1 comment:

  1. Well, from the original set-up I thought this would've been a much darker episode, but it actually turned out to be a nice, mostly humorous romp with some good growth for Amy. I'm also intrigued by seeing what will happen as a result of Zarkron's new penalty.
