Friday, November 10, 2017

Power Rangers Battle Beasts Season 1, Episode 6: Strength of A Gorilla

Hey guys, I'm back. The ratings on my show aren't doing well, but I won't stop until I get to the top. Anyways, here is Episode 6 of Power Rangers Battle Beasts, Strength of A Gorilla. Enjoy!


Instead of a recap of last time, we start the episode off with the Rangers at the zoo where they are seeing different animals.

Sadie: Suke!!
Leon: So, this is what animals are like in your world?
Aaron: Yep.
Trevor: Why are their fences surrounding the animals?
Aaron: To keep them from attacking people.
Trevor: I see. So their treating our kind like prisoners?
Aaron: That´s not the ca--!!

Amy interrupts him.

Amy: Hey, Aaron, come here! What is that fat, grey animal?

She asks while sipping a smoothie.

Aaron: That´s a hippo.
Leon: Whoa, is that a giraffe?
Aaron: Yep.

He then notices Sadie is gone.

Aaron: Wait, where did Sadie go?

Sadie is then seen at the aquarium part of the zoo, looking at the sharks, falling in love with them while the kids are scared and being hugged by their mothers.

Sadie: I think I´m in love!

Leon then catches up to her and picks her up.

Leon: Come on, Sharknado!!
Sadie: Damn you, Leon!! We will meet again!

We then cut to a scene of where Amy continues sipping on her smoothie while Aaron and Trevor are passing out flyers to find the missing cube.

Aaron: We´re trying to look for something we lost. We´d appreciate any help.

He then runs into a mysterious man who's face is covered.

Aaron: Oh, didn't realize you were there. Here's a flyer. We trying to find something that we lost. We'd appreciate your help.
Mysterious Man: Arigotou, Amigo.
Aaron: He was strange.

He says as he leaves. Aaron then looks at the sky and notices a swarm of Tri-Speeders using his eagle vision. He then alerts the others.

Aaron: Tri-Speeders!!

We then cut to one of the Speeders where we meet the Monster of the Week, Gigantojaw.

Gigantojaw: Ah, just look at it! What a beautiful planet for a great feast. I'm sure Bloxor will be so proud.
All Five: Cube Zords, Go!

The Rangers arrive on the scene in their Cube Zords and combine their Zords to form the Battle King Megazord.

Theme song then plays.

Cut back to the battle as the Megazord wards off the Tri-Speeders.

Leon: Is that all you got?
Sadie: Well it's not enough!

They continue to ward off the Tri-Speeders as Amy & Trevor help in their Zords.

Trevor: Now!
Aaron: Got it! Giraffe Zord, Go!

The Giraffe Zord then grows big and assumes the Giraffe Cannon mode.

Gigantojaw: Get out of the way! I´m driving!
All Three: Final Bazooka Blast!

Gigantojaw then escapes the Tri-Speeder.

Gigantojaw: I´m down, but I´m not out!
Amy: What? He got away!
Gigantojaw: Can't catch me no--Oh shiiiit!!

Gigantojaw then falls head down on the ground, stuck.

Trevor: Let's get him!

The Rangers then eject their Zords and demorph, looking in the forest and trying to find him.

Leon: Where the hell did that guy go?
Sadie: Maybe he's dead because I can't hear him.

She says as in the background, he is still stuck in the ground. They then notice the bush shaking.

Aaron: Over there!
Leon: Stay right there!!

They then chase the guy where Aaron tackles him.

Aaron: Your not escaping us this time!

The man then turns over a reveals his face.

Aaron: A gorilla?
All Four: An Avatar!
Gorilla Man: How do you four know about Avatars?
Trevor: Because we're Avatars too!

They then assume their Avatar forms.

Gorilla Man: Oh, Amigos!

They then hug each other in joy.

Gorilla Man: The name's Larry.

We then cut to the Zenix Arrowship.

Bloxor: Gigantojaw, you damn idiot! His mouth may be big, but he has a brain the size of a coin.
Neuron: How does that make him different from you?
Bloxor: Leave me alone.
Neuron: I am just being honest. You could have chose a better warrior fit for this job.
Bloxor: SHUT UP!! I'm going down there!
Naria: Why is that?
Bloxor: He may be dumb, but I could give him a little help.
Neuron: Such a shame to babysit your own soldier.
Zarkron: But with his power, I think this is about to become indulging.

Cut back to the Rangers as they check out Larry's home in the forest.

Leon: So, this is were you've been crashing?
Larry: Yep! Now tell me, how are you able to assume human form?
Trevor: It's because of these.

The four then pop out their Morphers.

Larry: Are those the ancient crystal cubes?
Amy: You betcha ya!
Larry: But wait, why do they look so different?
Leon: It's because now their Morphers, which we can use to become Power Rangers.
Larry: Nani? Power Rangers?! I've only heard about them in myths, but, I've never thought that they were real!
Trevor: Now tell us. How did you end up in the human world?
Larry: I'm actually a scientist.
Aaron: Really?
Larry: Yes, indeed. In Animalia, I wanted to see if I could replicate the capabilities of a crystal cube by making an artificial one. By having it fueled by the cubes' energy, I used the artificial one and came to the human world, where I began studying their activities and cultures. When I was about to return home, I noticed the artificial one I made was gone, where I noticed a pile of dust at the bottom of the gate.
Larry (flashback): NOOOO!!!
Trevor: And ever since then, you've been lonely on Earth, all these years.
Larry: But hey, look on the bright side, at least I've found other Avatars. Hey, what has become of the old land?

The Rangers then look at each other in despair, trying to resist to tell him the truth.

Sadie: Animalia is destroyed.
Larry: What?
Amy: Including all of the Avatars. One of the cubes were stolen and the planet got weak and vulnerable and then...
Leon: The Zenix Empire attacked us.
Larry: There real too?
Trevor: As we speak, this planet is there next target.

After hearing such news, Larry gets riled up.

Larry: I got to get out of here!
Leon: Hey look, don't get riled up! The five of us are Power Rangers now, we can take these bastards!
Amy: Yeah, and we're trying to find the missing cube so we can use them all to rebuild our home.
Larry: Well, that gives me hope. How about some Sakurian Tea?
All Four: Sure.

As he gets the tea...

Aaron: What's that?
Larry: You've never heard of it? I thought you were an Avatar.
Aaron: Oh, I'm the only one here who's human.

Larry then stops.

Larry: What?
Aaron: I'm human.

This suddenly scares Larry.

Larry: Get away from me!
Sadie: Larry, what's wrong?
Larry: Get away from me, you sadistic being!!
Aaron: What? I'm not---!!

Larry then starts throwing stuff at him and runs away, causing Leon and Sadie to run after him.

Leon: Hey, Donkey Kong, wait!
Amy: What did you do to him?
Aaron: I didn´t do anything!

As Leon and Sadie catch up to him...

Leon: OK, pops, you got some explaining to do.
Sadie: Why did you runoff like that?
Larry: Ever since I got stuck here on Earth, I thought it would be logical to begin interacting with humans.

Flashback occurs.

Larry (Flashback): Hola, Amigos!!
Larry: Whenever I would introduce myself, humans would always run away from me.

The flashback continues as Larry encounters a police officer who faces a gun at him.

Officer (Flashback): Freeze! Get on the ground!
Larry (Flashback): Oh my God!

As the Officer shoots, Larry runs away because of it and gets hit in the arm, ending the flashback.

Larry: Ever since then, I've always known that humans were cruel.
Leon: Well, Aaron is a different guy. He won't hurt you.
Sadie: Yeah, even though he ran away when we showed our true forms, Aaron got to know us more and he calmed down. I'm sure he'll do the same with you.
Larry: I doubt it.

Cut back to the house we're Leon and Sadie explains it to the others.

Aaron: So, that's why he ran off.
Sadie: Yes.
Trevor: So it seems he has a phobia of humans.
EZ: Wait, you guys met another Avatar. Cool! What animal was he?
Amy: A Gorilla.
Rager: Oh, I so wanna make a Donkey Kong reference right now!
Aaron: That's enough, Rager! I mean, I don't think you should be offending anybody right now.
Leon: Imagine what would happen if we got in the same situation. Let's eat.
Aaron: I'm just wondering if he would fear humans for the rest of his life. It just doesn't feel proper.
Amy: Well, maybe we can help him.

Cut to the morning as the Rangers help Larry with chores.

Amy & Sadie: Hey, Larry!
Larry: Bonjour, Senoritas!
Sadie: You gathering herbs?
Larry: Yep. For dinner tonight.
Amy: Mind if we help?
Larry: I'd appreciate it! Mind if you join me for dinner?
Amy & Sadie: Sure!
Amy: Would you like to join too, Aaron?
Aaron: Yeah.

Larry then stops and looks at Aaron.

Aaron: Hey.
Larry: The human! Get away from me!!!
Trevor: We'll, that didn't work.
Leon: Looks like it's time for Plan B.

Larry is seen carrying buckets of water on a pole. The guys help him with that.

Leon: Whazzup, Larry! Getting some water?
Trevor: Mind if we help?

After getting the buckets of water from the lake, the guys carry it.

Leon: God, this is heavy!
Trevor: Larry, your pretty strong!
Larry: We'll, I am a gorilla.
Aaron: Come on, guys! Put your back into it!

Larry then stops again and looks back.

Larry: You again?! Just quit it!

He bangs on the pole, causing Aaron to fly back and hit the tree, almost getting hit by the pole and being drenched by the water.

Aaron: Hey, I flew and I'm an eagle!

Aaron says deliriously. The girls then come to his aid.

Leon: What the hell, man! You almost killed him!
Larry: Enough! If you keep bringing him along, then I don't want to see you four as well!

Larry then walks off. Aaron then sits on a rock to dry off.

Aaron: Guess I got too persistent.

He then comes across a deer.

Aaron: Oh, hey there. Do you think he'll ever get over his fear of humans?

Larry is watching this conversation. He accidentally steps on a branch, causing the deer to run off.

Larry: You were kind to that deer.
Aaron: Well, I do have a soft spot for animals. And I know you've had a soft spot for humans once, until you encountered them and they got scared. That gave you a bad perspective on humans, but, there are other kinds of humans who don't get scared. I'm one of them, and all I to be a friend.

He says as he holds his hand. Aaron then gets a call on his Morpher.

Aaron: Hello?
Trevor: Aaron, we've got trouble!

Cut to Bloxor where he has landed on Earth, searching for Gigantojaw, but the Rangers catch up to him.

Bloxor: Where is that numbnuts?
Sadie: There he is!
Bloxor: Come on out, Gigantojaw!
Trevor: He's covered in cubes?
Bloxor: Power Rangers? What do you want?
Sadie: This guy looks different.
Leon: It's like he's stronger than anything we've faced before.
Bloxor: I don't have time with you chumps, so buzz off!
Leon: Yeah, how about no?!

The four then bring out their Morphers and Morph.

All Four: It's Morphin Time! Spirit Unleashed!

Morphed, they use their Beast Blasters and fire at him, not making a dent in him, but getting his attention.

Leon: It didn't work! Let's try Saber Mode.

They then take him on with the sabers, but they are not able to strike his broad and hard body. He then smacks them away.

Leon: Damn! We still can't make a dent in this guy!
Bloxor: Like four little kids are gonna destroy me. I guess I could kill four Rangers while I'm at it.

Luckily, Aaron arrives.

Aaron: Guys, I'm here!
Trevor: Be careful. This guy is powerful!
Bloxor: Like one more Ranger is gonna make a difference.
Aaron: Who are you?
Bloxor: I am Bloxor, General of the Zenix Empire!
Leon: General! No wonder why he is so strong!

Aaron then Morphs.

Aaron: It's Morphin Time! Spirit Unleashed!

Larry then looks behind a tree. The Rangers then go into a roll call.

Aaron: Spirit of the Eagle! Power Ranger...Red!
Sadie: Spirit of the Shark! Power Ranger...Blue!
Leon: Spirit of the Lion! Power Ranger...Yellow!
Trevor: Spirit of the Elephant! Power Ranger...Green!
Amy: Spirit of the Tiger! Power Ranger...White!
Aaron: Spirits, Unite as One! Power Rangers...
All Five: Battle Beasts!
Bloxor: Alright, then! Let's brawl!
Aaron: Rangers...Stampede! Unleash the Beast!

They then take him on with their Wild Mode. This doesn't effect him as he uses his broadsword and strikes at them, but they continue to dodge. As they battle, Larry continues to look.

Larry: Incredible, but strange. How can he transform if he's human? Is it possible that he possesses the power of an Avatar?

Bloxor continues fighting the Rangers as he puts four of them in a pile and hits them, causing them to fly in the air. Bloxor then strikes at them with a powerful energy wave, causing them to demorph.

Aaron: Guys! Eagle Strike Saber!
Bloxor: And then there was one.

He says as he flies towards him. Aaron tries to fight him, but Bloxor beats him brutally and throws him, causing him to demorph.

Bloxor: Time to wrap this up!

He strikes at Aaron again, causing him to jump off a hill and land onto a rock, brutally hurt as the others worry.

All Four: Aaron!

Larry watches him and flashes back to the talk they had earlier, realizing how Aaron wants to be his friend. Larry then helps him and grabs his Morpher.

Larry: I guess I should repay you.

He places it on Aaron's hand and after a moment of silence, the Morpher begins to shine. He infuses his Avatar power into Aaron's body as the others watch. This ends up healing Aaron's body and he wakes up from his pain.

Aaron: Larry.
Larry: What's Up, Amigo!
Aaron: I feel better, like if I hadn't been hit by Bloxor's attack. What did you do?
Larry: I just infused my own Avatar energy into you.
Aaron: Why?
Larry: Well, we're friends, are we?

This brings a smile to Aaron's face and the others, but Bloxor appears.

Bloxor: Looks like you got lucky! Not for long!

Bloxor attacks Aaron and he morphs. Suddenly, he was able to block his sword.

Bloxor: What?
Aaron (monologue): I feel strong, all of the sudden!
Aaron: Your through, Bloxor!

He pulls away his sword and reveals a new form.

Aaron: Spirit Unleashed!

He then flips his visor, revealing a new helmet, transforming into the Red Gorilla Ranger.

All Four: Whoa!
Aaron: Spirit of the Gorilla! Power Ranger...Red!
Leon: Now he's a Gorilla?!
Larry: Awesome, Dude!

Aaron then fights Bloxor with his new power.

Sadie: Bloxor doesn't stand a chance now!

Aaron then beats his chest like a gorilla and continues to fight him.

Larry: Go, Aaron!

Larry cheers him, but then walks away. The fight is then taken back to the forest as Aaron still has an upper hand against Bloxor.


He says as he blows Bloxor away and then shoves him through some trees.

Trevor: His power is amazing!
Amy: Aaron, finish him off!
Bloxor: So, you now have a new power, big deal! You still can't beat me!

As Bloxor tries to punch him, Aaron blocks it by fisting his arm.


After such attack, Bloxor says his final words.

Bloxor: That was pretty damn good for someone like you!
Aaron: Well, you shouldn't have underestimated us.

As Bloxor explodes, Aaron roars as he beats his chest.

Neuron: Unbelievable! Now the Rangers have defeated another general?
Zarkron: don't need to revive him.
Naria: Master?
Neuron: What?

Zarkron then laughs as we cut to the Rangers regrouping.

Aaron: You guys okay?
Sadie: Yeah.
Trevor: That was incredible power you've displayed out there.
Leon: Wish I had that kind of power.
Aaron: Well, hey, it was all thanks to Larry. Right, Larry?

They then notice his disappearance and begin shouting his name. The scene transitions to night as we see the blocks that Bloxor was made from begin to crawl slowly together, possibly meaning that Bloxor will return.

NEXT TIME ON POWER RANGERS BATTLE BEASTS: After defeating Bloxor with his new Gorilla power, Aaron starts to feel distraught because now that Larry infused his life energy into Aaron, his lifespan has now shortened. Meanwhile, Bloxor is revealed to have an ability where he can regenerate! Will the Rangers be able stop both Bloxor and Gigantojaw and will Aaron be able to get over his sadness?

Well, that's it for now guys. Next time, I'll be going over the Collectible Devices for Ultraman as I have did with Super Sentai and Kamen Rider already. Until next time, later.

1 comment:

  1. Another great chapter. It was good to see a bit of Larry's backstory and explanation as to why he was so mistrustful of humans, along with how he slowly opened up to Aaron. Also, I admit that I laughed way to hard at hearing Sadie called "Sharknado."
