Sunday, September 3, 2017

Power Rangers Battle Beasts Season 1, Episode 2: The Power of Trust

Hey guys, I'm back and thanks for 90 views on Episode 1. If you wanna check out my friend, A. Yoshi's, Power Rangers fanfic, here is the link: Without further ado, this is Power Rangers Battle Beasts Episode 2: The Power of Trust.


After a recap of last time, 

Trevor: Last time on Power Rangers Battle Beasts.

We left off on a scene where Aaron offers to help the Avatar Rangers, the others are grateful for his concern, but Trevor disagrees.

Trevor: I'm...not interested.
Leon: What?
Sadie: What do you mean your not interested?
Trevor: What I'm trying to say is that I don't trust you.
Amy: How could you not trust him? He knows our story and said he will help us.
Trevor: I don't care for that. Ever since he morphed, I've been suspicious of you.
Aaron: And why's that?
Trevor: Because, the cubes are only meant to work for Avatars.
Aaron: So?
Trevor: That means their is something about you that we don't know about. Either good or bad, I don't like it.
Aaron: What do you mean there is something about me.....

Aaron pauses as he flashes back to the night his parents died, the night the bird man gave the cube to him.

Aaron: Wait a minute. That night when I got this cube--
Trevor: Save it.

Trevor interrupts him as he walks closer to him, confiscating his morpher.

Aaron: What are you doing?
Trevor: I'm keeping this. You aren't capable.
Sadie: But you just saw him kick Wrecker's ass.
Trevor: Well, I guess just luck maybe. Human or not, these things are only meant for Avatars.

Trevor says as he walks off into the woods.

Amy: Where are you going?
Trevor: Away from you buffoons!
Leon: Fine then! We'll just stay with Aaron!
Aaron: Trevor.

After the scene, the opening theme song plays.


After the opening, we cut back to the Zenix Arrowship, where our villains dialogue.

Master Zarkron: So, it seems that these world's protectors are more powerful than we thought.
Naria: Do you still want to conquer it despite that, master? We have already lost one of our generals.
Bloxor: Who cares about that, Naria? Wrecker was too much of a hairbrained dumbass to win anyways. You got to win with brute strength.
Neuron: Brawn isn't always the answer, Bloxor. You have to use strategy in your plans.
Zarkron: Enough, I don't care what you use in your plans, as long as it is a winning chance. Bloxor, you'll be the first to go.
Neuron: What?
Zarkron: Don't worry, Neuron. You'll get your chance soon enough. Bloxor, I'm sure you won't disappoint by using Spearon.
Spearon: Spearon, reporting for duty. I'm ready to destroy.

Back on Earth, the Rangers are at the mall's food court.

Amy: Hey guys. Do you think it was smart to leave Trevor by himself?
Sadie: That guy's a loose cannon. I think he can survive.
Aaron: So guys, um, what was your homeworld like?
Sadie: What do you mean?
Aaron: I mean like, what landscapes did it have? What kind of animals were the Avatars?
Amy: Oh well, there were many certain animals there, like, lions, tigers, and bears--
Leon: Oh my!

Sadie hits him on the noggin for such a corny joke.

Leon: Ow! Well excuse me for trying to be humorous!

Amy then continues...

Amy: There are also sharks, elephants, rhinos, wolves, crocodiles, eagles, whales, giraffes, and even dogs.
Aaron: Dogs?
Amy: Yes, Dogs.
Leon: Bow-wow-wow, yippy-yo-yippy-yay!

Sadie hits him on the head once again.

Leon: Ow! What are you an emo today? God!
Aaron: How do you even know those references?
Sadie: Remember when we said the library?
Aaron: Oh that's right. What are you buildings like?
Amy: We don't have buildings. Most of our landscapes are mostly cubes.
Aaron: Are you serious?
Sadie: Well, we do have a map.

Sadie grabs out said paper object.

Aaron: Where did you get ths?
Leon: We grabbed it before we came to Earth.
Amy: Now do you see?
Aaron: It looks beautiful. I can see why you wanna bring it back.

After a moment of silence showing the beauty of Animalia...

Aaron: I have another question.
Leon: Shoot.
Aaron: About the Zenix Empire, didn't you guys said you heard of them in myths?
Sadie: Yes.
Aaron: Did those so-called myths tell anything about them?
Amy: As a matter of fact, they did. They would scatter across the universe, searching for planets to take as their own. 
Leon: Soon, they would begin to live on the planet themselves.
Sadie: As time would grow, their leader, Master Zarkron, would grow bored of the planet and dispose of it.
Amy: The legends tell that they have conquered over 99 planets already.
Aaron: And let me guess, their next planet is Earth, isn't it?
Sadie: Seems so.
Amy: Whenever I hear that story, I feel sad for the people who have died losing their homes.
Leon: We should know.
Aaron: Wait a minute, if the Zenix Empire have discarded over about 99 planets, what makes Earth so different from the others?
Sadie: I don't know.

After that statement, Amy comes back to the table with a smoothie and tastes it. She identifies what is in the shake after each sip.

Amy: Avocados...Banana...and probably honey oranges?
Aaron: How can you tell all that?
Amy: Well, since were half animal, we Avatars possess the instincts of our respective animal.
Sadie: And since she is a tiger, she has a sharp sense of taste.
Aaron: What about you, Leon?

Leon yells as he attracts the attention of other people in the food court. Because of that, Sadie hits him for a third time.

Leon: Ow!
Sadie: When are you ever going to quiet down?
Aaron: That must have really affected you.
Sadie: Well, sharks do have sensitive hearing.
Aaron: Wait, that's how you were able to hear Wrecker's blast, wasn't it?
Sadie: Yep and---

Suddenly, Sadie is interrupted as she begins to hear carnival music.

Leon: What's up?
Sadie: I hear some kind of music...and it sounds fun!
Amy: Hey, wait for us!
Aaron: Guys where you going?!

The three Avatars run out of the mall with Aaron running after them. They end up a spotting a carnival.

Aaron: can't just run off like that.
Leon: Aaron, what's that?
Amy: It looks so fun.
Aaron: It's a carnival. I thought you guys learned all about us humans at the library.
Sadie: Well, not everything. Let's Go!
Aaron: Hey guys, you have to pay for that.

Aaron then walks up to the ticket booth.

Aaron: How much for 4 people?
Vendor: $8.00
Aaron: Thanks. Hey guys, I said wait up!

We then cut back to Trevor at the campsite...

Trevor: Typical of those three. They lack urgency. Just...that human being able to morph. I wonder why. One more cube. I'll find it myself.

We cut back to the others, where we see Aaron is pulling the others to his apartment, using dog leashes.

Aaron: Come on.
Amy: Why are you using dog leashes on us?
Aaron: Because I'm not letting you run off again.
Leon: This guy is a pain in the ass once you tick him off.

Aaron stops and looks at him with a cold stare.

Leon: Uh, who said that?
Aaron: This is my apartment, we'll be staying here with my caretaker until you guys find the remaining cube.

They go up to the 2nd floor, and before they enter his apartment, he runs into his love interest, Lindy.

Lindy: Hi, Aaron.
Aaron: Oh, hey Lindy.
Lindy: Who are these guys?
Aaron: Um, these are my friends, Sadie, Leo, and Amy. There..
Sadie: We're visiting from another town.
Amy: That's pretty much it.
Lindy: Well, nice to meet you. 
Aaron: It's good to have friends.
Lindy: Right, it's good to know there are people you can trust. Bye guys.
Sadie: Later.

Leon then starts looking at her backside.

Leon: That is one nice a--

Sadie hits him on the head again.

Leon: Ow!

After when Lindy leaves, Aaron thinks about what Trevor said earlier, realizing that he needs to trust him.

Aaron: Maybe that's what he needs.
Amy: What? Oh, nothing. Come on.

The four then enter his apartment where he notices some boxes.

Aaron: Hey, Randy!
Randy: Aaron! What's up, man! Who are your new friends?
Aaron: This is Sadie, Leon, and Amy. What are with these boxes?
Randy: Didn't you remember our conversation earlier?
Aaron: Oh crap, I forgot! I was busy with...what I was doing, I forgot about that! Hey man, can we just stay here for just one night?
Randy: Sure. I'm Randy, nice to meet ya.

Leon then spots a PlayStation.

Leon: Randy, whats that?
Randy: You don't what a PlayStation is? Well, let me show you.

As night comes, while Randy is sleeping, the three Avatars assume their true forms.

Amy: *YAWNS* I think I'm gonna take a catnap.
Sadie: I'm gonna hit the tub.
Leon: Man, this PlayStation thing is cool!
Aaron: Leon, I think that's enough.
Leon: Hold on a sec, I'm about to get to level 9.

Aaron stands in front of the TV.

Aaron: Come on, you got to get some sleep.
Leon: I said hold on a sec! Why are you so worried?
Aaron: Don't you wanna find Trevor?
Amy: Well, he did ditch us.
Leon: Yeah, and why are you so worried about a guy who won't trust you?
Aaron: Well, that's the thing.

Aaron then walks up to the window and looks at the night sky. We cut back to Trevor at the campsite, who looks at wasted gate. While the miniaturized Elephant Zord plays with him, he gets a flashback to when Animalia was alive, where he was with his huge-sized father, and a moment where he and his guardian friends were shopping. He morphs back to Avatar form and gives a sad look, showing that he misses his home. In the morning, the other three Avatars wake up.

Amy: *YAWNS* Hey Sadie, did you have a good sleep?
Sadie: Yeah. What about you, Leon?

They notice Leon is sleeping.

Sadie: Hey, Kitty Klaws, wake up!
Leon: Huh?!
TV: Congratulations!
Leon: Well, looks like I made it to level 14.
Amy: Have you been up all night?
Leon: Well..most of the time. Anyways, what's the big de--

He notices that Aaron is not present.

Leon: Wait a minute, where's Aaron? Aaron!
Sadie: Aaron?!
Randy: Oh hey guys. If you wanted to know, Aaron left to meet a friend.
Amy: Trevor.
Randy: Hey guys, mind if you help me load the boxes onto the truck?
Sadie: Yeah sure.
Leon: After when I get to the level 15.

Sadie then grabs Leo by his shirt and drags him.

Sadie: Come on!
Leon: But my game!

In the next scene, we cut back to Trevor as he wakes up.

Trevor: Oh, guess I fell asleep.

He says as he yawns. He then notices the campsite all organized and morphs back to human form.

Trevor: Who's there?!
Aaron: Oh, sorry for scaring you.
Trevor: The human.
Aaron: My name's Aaron by the way.
Trevor: I don't care what your name is, just go away.
Aaron: Okay, alright.

Trevor looks at the food on the ground.

Trevor: Did you organize this?
Aaron: Yeah. I learned from my mom, before she died with my dad in...the incident.
Trevor: What happened after that?
Aaron: My leg was wounded and I was stranded in the middle of the forest, until the bird man came, and gave me the cube after infusing some kind of energy into me. It healed my leg after.

Back to the others...

Randy: And ever since I found him, he told me that story which made me think he was hallucinating.

Randy tells the three. And back to the campsite...

Aaron: And when he did that, it made me realize something.
Trevor: And what was that?
Aaron: That all beings are connected, and the more were connected, the more we trust each other to survive.
Aaron: The more we trust each other, we can survive too.

Aaron then hands Trevor an apple, with the camera closing up on the hands. Trevor then grabs the apple. We then cut to the city, where we see Spearon beginning his attack.

Spearon: Time to cause some chaos. Spearstorm!

Spears then begin to rain from the sky, hitting some buildings and causing some explosions.

Spearon: Good! More!!

Trevor and Aaron hear the explosions.

Trevor: There back.

Aaron then runs off.

Trevor: Wait!

Trevor then looks at the apple solemnly. Sadie's hearing hears the explosions.

Sadie: I hear trouble!
Amy: It must be the Zenix Empire!
Leon: Let's go!

The three then run off, where Randy enters the room with boxes in his arms.

Randy: Hey guys, where are you going?!

The boxes begin to get heavy, causing them to fall on him.

Randy: Oh, sh--!

We then cut to the scene where Spearon attacks the plaza, people screaming and running in fear.

Spearon: The forecast is calling for a massive spearstorm! Keep it coming! Ah, the misery soothes me!
It feels scary, doesn't it? Don't worry, you won't be alive to witness more of the destruction.
Aaron: Hey you!

Aaron says as he arrives to the scene. He runs towards the monster and tries to fight him, but is no match.

Spearon: You think you can beat me? Ya cockroach! Dumbasses like you can get killed pretty easily for fighting without a reason.
Aaron: I have a reason!

Aaron yells as he pushes him away.

Aaron: All beings on this planet have a reason to live! Monsters like you can't take that away from us!

Aaron continues to fight him as the others arrive.

All Three: Aaron!

Aaron punches the monster, but no effect. He gets his ass handed him, causing the three to come to his aid.

Leon: Are you crazy? You can't just take him on by yourself!
Aaron: I don't care! What am I supposed to do, just sit here?!
Sadie: Your right. We'll fight.
Amy: Thanks for your help.
Aaron: Guys.

Trevor then arrives as well.

Trevor: You people can be so naive.
Aaron: Trevor.

Trevor then hands Aaron his Morpher.

Trevor: Take it. Earlier, you told me that in order to survive, we all must trust one other. I guess we should do the same. Otherwise, even the four of us won't survive to resurrect our home.
Aaron: Glad to have an impression on you.

Aaron then takes his Morpher. The five gather and begin to morph.

Spearon: It's go time!
Aaron: No, It's Morphin Time!

They do the same process they did in the last episode and begin to morph.

All Five: Spirit Unleash!

They shift their cubes to the red side and morph into the Power Rangers.

Aaron: Spirit of the Eagle! Power Ranger...Red!
Sadie: Spirit of the Shark! Power Ranger...Blue!
Leo: Spirit of the Lion! Power Ranger...Yellow!
Trevor: Spirit of the Elephant! Power Ranger...Green!
Amy: Spirit of the Tiger! Power Ranger...White!
Aaron: Spirits Unite as One! Power Rangers...
AlFive:...Battle Beasts!
Spearon: Oh, I'm shaking in my boots! Well..Not!

Spearon attacks them with a spear attack, causing an explosion in front of them. Luckily, they jump through the fires.

Aaron: Is that all you got? Rangers...Stampede!

The five Rangers begin to work together, fighting off the enemy. Spearon drags the battle into a more open area, summoning the Zigglers.

Spearon: Zigglers!

The Rangers then take on the grunts.

Spearon: Heh, easy as--!

Aaron interrupts him, but he gets away as the former is distracted by a Ziggler.

Aaron: Time to...UNLEASH THE BEAST!

Assuming Wild Mode, they continue their fight with the Zigglers, taking them out with the respective attacks.


As Aaron flies through the battle...

Spearon: No!


Spearon: I'll finish you myself!

His spear grows humongously and attacks them. Thankfully, they dodge it and hold it down.

Spearon: Hey, no fair!
Aaron: Beast Blasters!
AlFive: Fire!

They shoot him, getting him off guard. Aaron and Trevor team up and continue to fire at him. They double team him together.

Trevor: Aaron!

Aaron grabs on to his arm and flips. Together, they shoot at him point-blank.

Trevor: Convert to Saber Mode!
AlFive: Battle Beast...Final Strike!

Back at the Arrowship...

Bloxor: Damn It! I knew I should have used someone better! Naria, give him another chance!
Naria: Yes sir.

Zarkron hands her a coin, where she beams to Earth and does what she did in the last episode.

Naria: You have been granted another chance.

She kisses it.

Naria: Use it well.

She inserts it into his coin slot, causing him to grow.

Sadie: So, it seems he's been given another chance, as well.
Aaron: Well, we know what to do! Cube Zords, go!

The five Cube Zords grow giant-sized and the pilots jump into them.

Aaron: Eagle Zord, Go!
Sadie: Shark Zord, Go!
Leon: Lion Zord, Go!
Trevor: Elephant Zord, Go!
Amy: Tiger Zord, Go!

Spearon then counterattacks.

Spearon: Spearstorm!

They assume Cube Form to not have the spears harm them. 

Spearon: Make it rain!

Once he summons another storm, they counterattack. Aaron clears out the clouds while Sadie and Leo double team him, using their Zords to bite him.

Sadie: Looks like your gonna need a bigger spear!
Leo: You know it!
Spearon: Let go of me! This is feeling painful!
Trevor: Aaron, now's our chance!
Aaron: Right!

Three squared hoops appear in the sky. The Eagle flies through with the Elephant and Tiger Zords this time.

Leo and Sadie: Huh?
Amy: Good thing we got through them this time.
Aaron: Zords, Combine!

He presses the blue button and presses the numbers 1-4-5 and shifts it to the blue side, combining them to form the Battle King Megazord Striker Mode.

All Three: Battle King Megazord, Strike Mode!
Spearon: I don't care what mode your in, but I'm still gonna wipe you out.
Trevor: I don't think so! Pachyderm Slider Kick!

This causes Spearon to trip.

Spearon: What the hell was that?!
Amy: Tiger Knee Strike! You can't hold this tiger down.

The Megazord takes on Spearon and proves to be sufficient.

Aaron: Let's end this!
All Three: Battle King, Final Kick!
Spearon: Look's like it's game over for me!

Spearon says as he explodes.

Aaron and Amy: Alright!
Aaron: Trevor?
Trevor: I'm not that kind of person.
Aaron: Come on, man!

After the battle, we cut back to the apartments.

Trevor: So, is this where we are staying?
Sadie: Oh no. We just came back here to get some remaining boxes. Wanna help?
Trevor: Sure.
Aaron: Hey Randy, this is my friend, Trevor.
Randy: Nice to meet you.
Trevor: The honor is all mine. Wait, what's that smell?
Randy: Oh, that's my lunch. Here, you want some?
Trevor: Oh god!

This causes Trevor to react to it's bad smell, passing out on the ground, turning into Avatar form. Amy and Leon distract him while Aaron and Sadie come to his aid.

Aaron: What's wrong with him?
Sara: Trevor has an enhanced sense of smell.
Aaron: Oh, know you tell me!
Randy: Is he okay?
Amy: Oh, don't worry he's fine.

After a couple of minutes and putting tissues in Trevor's nostrils (while in human form)...

Randy: Here are the keys. Been one heck of a ride.
Aaron: Sure has. Again, I wanted to say thank you.
Randy: You're welcome.

Randy says as he begins to cry, comically as they begin to hug.

Aaron: Hey, it's not like were never gonna see each other again. We can visit sometime.
Leon: Yeah, I hope I get to level 15 of--Ya!!

Sadie pulls his ear to not interrupt the moment.

Sadie: Quiet!
Randy: Anyways, you'll be able to take care of yourself.
Aaron: Yeah. I got my friends I can trust.

He says as he looks at his friends.

Randy: Well, later.
Aaron: See ya.

Aaron gets into the truck and drives off into the sunset, ending our episode.

NEXT TIME ON POWER RANGERS BATTLE BEASTS: After leaving his caretaker Randy, Aaron and his new friends are homeless until a certain tokusatsu reviewer named EZ Rider comes to help them find a place. After meeting him, Amy decides to go on a shopping spree with Aaron, but it comes to a stop when Bloxor sends another monster, Archeron, who is really fast. Will the Rangers be able to catch up with him?

Well, that's the end of our episode. What did you think of it, give your opinions in the comments section below. Next time, get ready for another entry of Gravure Idol of the Week, and this one is a bit wild. Who is it? Find out next time. Until then, Later.

1 comment:

  1. Good installment. We got some insight into the history of the Avatars, Animalia, and the Zenix Empire. It's going to be interesting to see how the Rangers adapt to their new surroundings after leaving Randy. Admittedly Aaron's motivations feel a little cliched, but I am looking forward to seeing how he develops and learning more of his history.

    That bit where Leon discovers the Playstation - was that a reference to the unused bit from Samurai?

    I apologize if this sounds a bit forward, but depending on how far you've planned ahead, I have a few possible names for Monsters of the day. Feel free to use them if you're interested. Here are their original names and the new ones I gave them:

    Amigard = Aesir
    Gaburio = Hobgobbler
    Yabiker = Road Rager
    Hanayaida = Botanicus
    Hatenna = Brain Drainer
    Noborizon = Seismos
    Dorobozu = Klepto
    Hunterji = Poacher
    Mantle = Toradam
    Trumpus = Wildcard
    Bowlingam = Bowlover
    Prisonable = Shackle
    Illusion = Hallucinojinn
    Cruiser = Dreadnaut
    Jashinger = Shutterbum
    Omoteuria = Janus
    Sumotron (no change)
    Sambaba (don't know what to call him)
    Saguil Brothers = Terrapin Twins
    Killmench = Monarch
    Gakkaraize = Paintkiller
